About the Committee
The purpose of the Asian Pacific Islander Committee is to advise and assist the El Monte Promise Foundation on policy, direction, leadership and general promotion of the organization’s mission and needs as it relates to the Asian Pacific Islander community.
The mission of the committee is to advocate for and empower APIs, while bridging communities in the larger context of EMPF’s mission to create and sustain a college-going culture in the El Monte region.
Committee meetings are meant to be a place of ample discussion and collaboration between various stakeholders, and community members. At meetings they are to advise staff and board members on existing programs and policies, and create new programs and policies to best serve APIs in culturally relevant and relatable ways. Stakeholders are expected to be alert to the concerns of the API community at large and how they can be addressed by the Foundation’s mission, objectives, and programs. They are also to take over leadership roles and provide assistance in event planning for API central cultural events to promote cultural awareness as well as to elevate the community perception of the organization.
Joining the API Committee not only gives you the opportunity to develop new relationships, but also the chance to see your ideas put into action. This is a great way to become an advocate for support for Asian Pacific Islanders in school systems within the El Monte region. Being a member of the API Committee gives you the support you need to make a difference in the API community!
From the work of this committee, EMPF has been able to build partnerships with local API-serving organizations to bring better culturally relevant and relational service to API families and students in the El Monte region. These partnerships are helping to bring in-language workshops and classes on financial literacy and education.
Meetings take place every third Wednesday of the month at 10:00am via Zoom. Please contact us via the form below to learn more and/or receive the Zoom link.