English Language Arts
- I can critically determine if a source is valid.
- I can use a reference or source in my writing without directly copying it.
- I can complete a research paper with a deadline.
- I can focus my writing to talk about one single thing in detail.
- I can cite my sources and reference the author‛s point of view.
- I read every day
- I can work out math problems with variables.
- I can solve and describe problems with ratios and proportions.
- I can calculate the circumference and area of a circle.
- I can write and solve geometric formulas.
- I can collect and organize data in a statistical manner.
- I can divide a fraction by a fraction.
Academic Behaviors
- I set short-term and long-term academic goals and measure my progress.
- I can take notes, organize them and use them to study.
- I can work in a group to complete a task.
- I use my agenda/planner to organize my assignments and to make a plan to complete long-term assignments.
- I have a middle school schedule planned and discussed my choice of electives with my parents(s)/guardian(s).
- I can evaluate and edit my own work and those of my peers based on my teacher‛s criteria.
- I know the options for leadership, sports or social clubs at my school.
Motivational Experiences
- I visited a local museum or nature center, or other educational sites in my community.
- I visit my local library and park once a week.
- I have visited a bank and/or credit union.
- I have seen a live musical or theatrical production.
Financial Literacy
- I am saving for college with a Scholars Savings Account or other 529 program.
- I have checked to see if I have money for college saved for me through CalKIDS.
- I talk with my parents about money.
- I can make a plan for my money that includes spending, saving and donating.
- I can make lists and prioritize needs and wants.
- I know that advertising is designed to get me to buy a specific product.
- I know that tax is added to the cost of items I buy.
- I know that when I sign up for games, apps, social media or other services that my information can be sold to advertisers.
- I know that there are different ways to pay for college and I go to workshops with my parent(s)/guardian(s) to learn how to pay for college.
- My parent(s)/guardian(s) talk to my teacher about my progress in school.
- My family knows what my learning goals are, and my learning plans if I am in an English Learner Program or have an IEP.
- I help out my family at home with things like doing chores or cooking a meal.
- My family and I have talked about being proactive in asking for help when I need it.
- I understand my culture and know the importance of respecting diversity.
College Knowledge
- I know that I can go to college!
- I understand that doing well in school will help me get to college.
- I visited a community college with my family.
- I have an idea of what I want to be when I grow up.
- I have talked to someone who has graduated from college about how I can prepare.
- I have looked into different careers I am interested in and I know what knowledge and skills I need to develop for my career goals.
Health and Wellness
- I eat a variety of nutritious foods that include fruits, vegetables and whole grains.
- I spend at least 60 minutes a day on physical exercise (including vigorous activity, and strengthening muscles and bones).
- I can recognize my feelings and the feelings of others, and can communicate when I need help.
Digital Citizenship
- I find balance in my digital life.
- I care about everyone‛s privacy.
- I know the power of my words and actions.
- I define who I am.
- I am a critical thinker and creator.
For more information:
To find out more about saving for college or to enroll in a college savings account click here.
To find your local library click here.
To find your local parks and recreation options click here.
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