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Fourth Grade

English Language Arts

  • I can analyze what I read to understand the author’s purpose.
  • I can participate in discussions about what I have read.
  • I can write multiple paragraphs for different styles of writing.
  • I can locate information in a text.
  • I can recognize Greek and Latin roots of words to help me understand their meaning.
  • I understand which style of writing to use for my school assignments (including purpose and audience).
  • If I am an English Learner, my family understands my place in the reclassification
  • process and I understand the importance of reclassifying by 5th grade.
  • I read for at least 30 minutes every day.


  • I can organize fractions and decimals on a number line. I can recognize equivalent
  • fractions and multiply fractions by a whole number.
  • I can round my numbers up or down.
  • I can solve word problems using variables, symbols, and units of measurement.
  • I can name geometric terms and shapes.
  • I can add/subtract numbers within 1,000,000. I can multiply/divide numbers within 1,000,000 to and by single-digit numbers.

Academic Behaviors

  • I prepare for my next day of school by setting my alarm and preparing my clothes.
  • I can write down my assignments and work on my own to complete them.
  • I know how to use online and print resources to find answers.
  • I know internet sources that are reliable.
  • I understand how to log in and use a computer or tablet to access online school programs.
  • I can lead and participate in a group project.
  • I know I can get help from my parent(s), guardian(s) or teachers if I don‛t understand.
  • I use a planner or agenda, and dividers and binders to keep track of and organize my assignments.
  • I understand how to read my report card/progress report.
  • I know how to take notes and use them when I study or complete assignments.
  • I can make a ‘to do‛ list and prioritize my time.

Motivational Experiences

  • I visited a local museum or nature center.
  • I have a library card and visit my local library once a week.
  • I visit my local park once a week.
  • I have visited a bank and/or credit union.
  • I have seen a live musical or theatrical production.

Financial Literacy

  • I am saving for college with a Scholars Savings Account or other 529 program.
  • I have checked to see if I have money for college saved for me through CalKIDS.
  • I talk with my parents about money.
  • I can buy something and know how to get change.
  • I can make lists and prioritize needs and wants.
  • I can set a savings goal and estimate the time it will take to reach my savings goal.


  • My parent(s)/guardian(s) talk to my teacher about my progress in school.
  • My parent(s)/guardian(s) know how to read my report card/progress report.
  • My parent(s)/guardian(s) goes to workshops/school activities at my school at
  • least two times a year.
  • My family knows what my learning goals are, and my learning plans if I am in
  • an English Learner Program or have an IEP.
  • My parent(s)/guardian(s) communicate with other parents in my class.
  • I help out my family at home with things like doing chores or cooking a meal.
  • I share my school agenda with my family every day to organize/review
  • classwork and homework.
  • I understand my culture and know the importance of respecting diversity.

College Knowledge

  • I understand that doing well in school will help me get to college.
  • I understand that many jobs require different types of college degrees.
  • I have looked at the website of at least 3 different colleges or universities and can name a college I would like to attend.

Health and Wellness

  • Health and Wellness
  • I sleep 9-12 hours at night.
  • I do a variety of physical activities.
  • I spend at least 60 minutes a day on physical exercise (including vigorous activity, and strengthening muscles and bones).
  • I eat a variety of nutritious foods that include fruits, vegetables and whole grains.
  • I can understand my feelings and the feelings of others.
  • I can express and manage my feelings in productive ways, and can ask for help when I need it.

Digital Citizenship

  • I find balance in my digital life.
  • I care about everyone‛s privacy.
  • I know the power of my words and actions.
  • I define who I am.
  • I am a critical thinker and creator.

For more information:

To find out more about saving for college or to enroll in a college savings account click here.

To find your local library click here.

To find your local parks and recreation options click here.

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