English Language Arts
- I can understand root words and their meaning.
- I understand what a prefix and suffix are.
- I can recognize cause and effect in stories.
- I understand the difference between literature and informational text.
- I can use context clues to determine the meaning of words.
- I can share information in an organized way.
- I can write multiple paragraphs.
- I can read 2nd grade level text with fluency.
- My parent(s)/guardian(s) understand my Lexile level as one indicator of reading success.
- My family understands my place in the reclassification process and I know what I need to do to reclassify (for ELD students)
- I read for at least 30 minutes every day.
- I can add/ subtract numbers within 1,000.
- I can count by 5s, 10s, and 100s.
- I understand place values of ones, tens, and hundreds.
- I can solve addition and subtraction word problems with 1 or 2 steps.
Academic Behaviors
- I can sit and actively listen to stories and presentations for 15-20 minutes.
- I have a set time and a place to study and work on school assignments.
- I can express my thoughts and ideas clearly.
- I can follow instructions.
- I can work in groups with my classmates.
- I share my school folder with my family every day to organize and review assignments.
- I ask questions to help me understand.
- I can contribute to conversation and express my ideas without interrupting others.
- I can solve small problems with my friends.
Motivational Experiences
- I visited a local museum or nature center.
- I have a library card and visit my local library once a week.
- I visit my local park once a week .
- I visited my local public service organizations such as my police station, fire station or hospital.
Financial Literacy
- I have a Scholars Savings Account and I am saving for college!
- I have checked to see if I have money for college saved for me through CalKIDS.
- I can save money in a piggy bank or jar.
- I know that adults work to earn money and that money is needed to buy things.
- I play store and use real or pretend money to exchange for goods
- My parent(s)/guardian(s) talk to my teacher about my progress in school.
- My parent(s)/guardian(s) know how to read my report card/progress report.
- My parent(s)/guardian(s) goes to workshops/school activities at my school at least two times a year.
- My family knows what my learning goals are, and my learning plans if I am in an English Learner Program or My parent(s)/guardian(s) communicate with other parents in my class.
- I can talk to my parent(s)/guardian(s) about my school work and what I am learning.
College Knowledge
- I know what college is and know that I can attend college.
- My parents talk to me about the progression of school, from first grade to elementary school, to middle school, to high school and on to college.
- I am starting to save for college with a Scholars Savings Account or other 529 program.
Health and Wellness
- I brush my teeth twice a day.
- I know it’s important to wash my hands regularly – for 20 seconds. (As long as it takes to sing Happy Birthday two times)
- I sleep 9-12 hours at night.
- I do a variety of physical activities.
- I spend at least 60 minutes a day on physical exercise (including vigorous activity, and strengthening muscles and bones).
- I brush my teeth twice a day.
- I know it’s important to wash my hands regularly – for 20 seconds. (As long as it takes to sing Happy Birthday two times)
- I sleep 9-12 hours at night.
- I do a variety of physical activities.
Digital Citizenship
- I find balance in my digital life.
- I care about everyone’s privacy.
- I know the power of my words and actions online.
For more information:
To find out more about saving for college or to enroll in a college savings account click here.
To find your local library click here.
To find your local parks and recreation options click here.
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